This week, your 3-0 Mineral Wells Rams will take on the 3-0 Quinlan Ford Panthers .
The game information can be found below:
Mineral Wells vs Quinlan Ford
Thursday, September 19, 2024
7:00 PM
Ticket Information: ' target='_blank'>/
Parking Information: ' target='_blank'>/
MEDIA CREDENTIALS: Media interesting in covering games at Choctaw Stadium must apply for and be approved for credentials by clicking here.
PLEASE NOTE: Coaches’ passes, district passes and THSCA passes will not be accepted for venue entry. A separate admission ticket must be obtained.
Sub-Varsity Football:
Monday: Jr High 8B will play away at Aledo McAnally Middle School at 6:00 PM
Tuesday: Jr High 7A and 8A will play vs Bridgeport at Ram Stadium at 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9th Grade will play at Ponder at 5:00 PM; JV White will play at Gainesville at 5:30 PM